Listen our new Album About the Project About N/EGO Studios
The new N/EGO mEn kInd album is out now
The N/EGO album mEnkInd has been created with the help of 22 different musicians from 17 different countries.
Les mURAINES is a project song by N/EGO back in 2016, which is based upon an extraordinary encounter with one of the most notable couchsurfers the Shroom has ever hosted.
We do speak of Tracey Shelton a war reporter from Australia, claiming many press awards.
She stayed two nights in Luxembourg and spoke about her experiences in Aleppo Syria, you could watch in her original video. The latter has been driving us to compose Les mURAINES, and put the music atop her video.
N/EGO is a band project, that has been given birth to in the month of April 2014. The project is initially driven and set up by a bassist & a drummer from Luxembourg
What makes this project so unique is that we as N/EGO host musicians from all over the world in our studio in Luxembourg, throughout the “couchsurfing” platform and thus produce songs with the latter.
With this enormous inflow of musicians that arrive this way, we ensure the NON-EGO way of recording and producing music is not only insured, but topped with the creativity and brilliance of the various artists arriving in the “Shroom” (cozy name for our studio).
N/EGO would like to thank all the guests and musicians from all over the world for their incredible input towards the N/EGO Project.
Special thanks